
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Standing Egg [music post]

This is a music post for those of you who like to explore some new music. Indie band Standing Egg are one of my favorite artists out there. Their style is lighthearted romantic cafe style songs. The music soothes my soul every time I listen to it and calms me when I'm irritated. I don't think there is too much to say as music is really subjective and everyone has different styles.

This is their latest song, featuring Christina Lee - We are not a couple. Enjoy.


  1. *o*... I just found your blog and I am sooo glad. Thank you so much for recommending this !!! It's so tranquil and lovely!!!

    I've followed your blog and since it appears we have quite a few things in common, mind checking out my blog? I just recently started re-blogging and would love love love it if you could follow back ^^

    Thank you and keep updating!!! Fighting!

  2. Hello there Shwin, thanks for following me. I'm glad we have some things in common, will have a look at your blog too :)
